🎉 First video are FREE!
Create viral, faceless videos for your YouTube and TikTok accounts in seconds.
Example video
Publish in seconds
Easily create faceless short videos, ready to publish on your Tiktok and Youtube accounts.
The history of blues
The history of salsa
The history of rock and roll
How it Works
Creating videos with FacelessVideos is very easy. You just have to provide a brief description and we will take care of everything for you.
Write a prompt
First you write a brief description of the video you want to create
Generate video
Then we create the video for you using our AI
Finally, you can publish the video on your account
Create 15 videos / month
$0,022 x second
Unlimited storage
Create 30 videos / month
$0,016 x second
Unlimited storage
Create 75 videos / month
$0,011 x second
Unlimited storage
Create 200 videos / month
$0,008 x second
Unlimited storage